Monday, November 02, 2020

lunch and walking diary 1102


Monday, I cooked kidney beans and beef with soy sauce, sugar and sake.

On the same day, I got kidney beans from two people. Is it the season of them? I don't think so. Probably it was the last harvest of kidney beans.

Kidney beans, keeping strong color, worth of respect

It was the day to see a dentist. I detoured there both ways, so I walked about 5000 steps.

A good autumn day, take off the jackets one by one while wallking

(How many jackets did I wear?)

Tuesday, It was decupled point day at a nearby supermarket.
So I bought a little bit expensive delicatessen for our lunch.

Seasonal fish; finally decuple point day, so buy them

I went to a post office, a bank, and the supermarket. So I walked more than 6000 steps.
All the rice was already harvested. And I noticed fresh green seedlings on the root of the rice. It is called "karita". And I also noticed, the weeds started to come, but they were herbs.
Come cross and watch, wiled herbs start to grow, in "KARITA" fields.

Wednesday, Frozen shrimps with chili sauce. The microwave open cooked them.
I talked with my mother on the phone longer than usual.
When she complains about something, I always "suggest" the advice to do it better.
Then she always tells me an opposite opinion. I know she  doesn't want to get my advice. I think what I say is an "advice", but for her it is none of her bisness.

Old age VS old age, debate with negative phrases, a bagworm;

Thursday, these are frozen SANMA. Sanma are a seasonal fish, and this autumn it is very expensive. We ate fresh Sanma just once, which were presented from my friend.
Fresh Sanma fish; a charcoal stove is waiting its turn, in the garden

In the afternoon, we went out shopping here and there. An electronical shop, a used book store, another electronical shop, glasses shop, and a Japanese sweet shop. We walked more than 7000 steps.
To celebrate another harvest moon  called katamiduki, we bought a good quality Japanese sweet.

Another harvest moon, reflect our daily life, in floating clouds, 

Friday, I cooked sardine with ginger.
In the morning, I went to see a dentist. Finally the process to make an artificial tooth has started.
Finally it is the time, to accept an artificial tooth, another harvest moon

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