Friday, November 06, 2020

small excitements

1. Finally Yuki's band has debuted. Some bands joined and hold a concert on an outside stage downtown. So I said that if it was sunny and not so cold, I would see you. And luckily it was a sunny day.
Fortunately or unfortunately, as soon as their performance was finished, he and most of the other members got home without no party. So Yuki and I had lunch at home together.

2 I bought a bottle of candle at a used site shopping on the net which are organized by a private group.  It was branded.

It smells good. I use it while I do yoga in my room. Well I hope my room would be more organized, but so far it is difficult. Probably if I change the lamp on the ceiling, it would look completely different. However I can't afford to buy new one, or I could buy but I won't use our money for it.

3、 I bought coconut oil to cook marinated sweet potatoes. Of course we can't find it at nearby supermarket. So I went to a big supermarket downtown.
Than I expect, it was expensive.

Well, when I made it, the coconut oil was transparence. But I stored it in the fridge, it got white and hard. well, well, So I sautéed it again and also make fried eggs. the smell was good. Even Yuki noticed the sweet smell, and the different taste from the usual.

 Using coconut oil gives me fun for a while.

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