Tuesday, November 10, 2020

pre-cooked dishes and discarding 10 things 1109

 These days it is easy to get lots of kinds of "squashes", or "pumpkins".
Until about 10 years ago, I didn't know that why "KABOCYA" (in English, pumpkins) are orange in the U.S. or in English picture books. Now I know Japanese KABOCHA is a kind of squashes. And when I went to the U.S. I was really surprised to find "KABOACHA" in the vegetable section at a supermarket as same as "DAIKON".

The other day I got "butternut squash". Well I think it is not  a "buttercup squash".
I'm not sure what difference there is between them.

Anyway it is not as hard as usual Japanese KABOCYA to cut.
I bothered cooking meat sauce with beans.

And I baked the squash.
The back of the stuff was our dinner.
The front of slices were baked with coconut oil and marinated as one of pre-cooked dishes.

I also stirred Japanese radish, "daikon".

I also discarded 10 things.
The bottles of spray are mosquito spray. They were not empty, but probably I'll buy new ones for next summer.

I also cleaned the windows in my bedroom. "I" have started winter cleaning, though Yuki hasn't started yet.

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