Tuesday, January 14, 2020

lunch diary 0114

Monday, it was my birthday. So we went to a café-restaurant where I wanted to go. It was a cake café restaurant. It was  a weekday, so as expected the male who was there was only Yuki. We didn't care.

The first job of this year; Having lunch with his wife At a cake-restaurant

Tuesday, I cooked rice with assorted ingredients. and the soup was the rest of our breakfast, which was NANAKUSA- soup. The traditional meal we eat on the day is NANAKUSA porridge. Instead of porridge we had NANAKUSA rice cake soup. And we had the rest of soup for our lunch.

New Year soup with seven herbs; Page-a day-calendar Learn the tradition

Wednesday, we ate the rest of the cooked rice.
From the afternoon it was getting warm. But the news we listened to from the radio was not so peaceful.
Winter wind: Unsettled and unrest feeling From the radio

Thursday, I managed to climb up and down stairs easily. In the afternoon we went downtown todo errands.
Break down the ornaments, Reuse the DAIDAI orange Into herb tea

Friday, I cooked vegetable and pork soup from the rest of vegetables in the fridge. We also had the same soup for our dinner, though I added grilled fish.
HOSHINA (dried vegetable leaves) soup; Simple one-dish for lunch Enough

HOSHINA soup, is a seasonal word for winter. HOSHINA means dried vegetable leaves.
In winter we tend to skimp on fresh greens. So people of former days dried some fresh greens like radish leaves and enriched the vitamins of them.

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