Friday, January 31, 2020

English Hailku 0130

This haiku was introduced yesterday in the newspaper of MAINICH
gun salute --
ashes reverberate to
life in the urn
It was really difficult for me to understand it.
Did a person pass away? Is he thinking back the deceased person's life looking at the urn?
My interpretation is
Three-volley salute;
Looking back his life
In the face of urn
Well, today's seasonal word of winter is show shoveling.
Thankfully we seem to have no opportunity to do it. This winter is very warm than usual. So we can use water outside without fear of freezing  roads.

go into the yard
water plug doesn't freeze
wash the car
Today's drill is "make the most use of a season word"
At first, we'll write out what makes you feel that winter is here.
In my case
1 we don't use the water outside, because water plug usually freezes.
2 Even at a supermarket nearby we see lots of kind of chocolate, because Valentine day is a big event in winter.
3 The monthly cost of electricity is very high, because the usage of electricity is a lot to warm rooms and I use an  electric blanket.
4.we are enough to eat Chinese cabbage.
5.My  annual checkup finished without problems, --- January is my birthday month.
The next step is that we have to chose one things of them, and it is without season as much as it possible. It means we have to do an opposite thing.
So I chose no.5.
Without breakfast Take a health check; Winter is here
The season word is "winter is here".
It has an image of bitter, hard, tough and strict.

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