Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Usual weekend errnad 0114

"One" of my new year resolutions is to continue discarding.
So I did. As soon as I opened  drawers which were messy, I could discard 10 things easily.
Well, they were small things.

One of the drawers was a food stock one. There I found a thing which was expired a week ago.
Just "a week ago", so I decided to use. I baked this one with my home bakery.

And I also cooked some pre-cooked dishes for this week.

Nowadays I constantly made carrot paste with a little sugar.
I boil some carrots which are peeled and cut with rice cooker. It is very easy to boil.
And as soon as they are boiled, I mushed them and put them into a pun and knead with sugar.
They are very useful.
We usually put them on my homemade yogurt.

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