Monday, January 25, 2021

pre-cooked dishes and discarding 10 things 0124


I made paste of vegetables such as SATO-yam and GOBOU root, squash, and carrots. All of them are used for our breakfast soup.

I also boiled and seasoned DAIKON. You might notice that they were almost the same menu of previous week. You are right.

Any vegetables are needed to cook for eating. Nowadays I use my rice cooker to boil ? steam? vegetables. It is easy. The trouble thing is to blend them. 

I also discarded 10 things. I discarded a dress I didn't wear this winter though it is still winter. I organized a box of my aroma bottles, and discarded two bottles. Then I revised the room I use as a class room. Probably next spring the number of students will be 4, so it is all right to start "discard" some tools. So I discarded small and tiny goods.

Then I cleaned the windows in the room.

These are my regular weekends jobs.

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