Thursday, January 28, 2021


 What is SYAKYO???

" SYAKYO is one of the religious training. It was allegedly started to make his big dream come true. Formally, people copy sutra with ink and an ink brush. "

Last month I borrowed these book about HANYASHIGYOU sutra.

Though it was fun, it was difficult. Anyway I red them up. Then I watched some YOUTUBE which explains the contents in easy Japanese. 

The next step is --- to do SYAKYO.

I checked a temple's site, and download the sheets.

I tried doing syakyo. At the first time I used FUDE-pen (not use real ink and real brush)

Not so bad. So I wanted to do it with real pen and brush. I bought a set of SYAKYO.

Well I 'll try to do SYAKYO 10 times. 

After that??? I'll take the sheets to the temple, which is in Tochgi.

It is a good reason to go for a drive.

Well, it is on going --- I'm not sure whether I reach the goal or not.

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