Friday, January 08, 2021

Yuki can't go to ramen noodle shops.

Here in Utsunomiya, a state of emergency was declared. Restaurants should be closed at 8 PM. However schools are usual. Public facilities such as libraries, "tennis courts", and so on are open as usual. So our life is not so changed.
However, Yuki stopped to go to ramen noodle shop. He went somewhere of noodle shops once a week, or every other week. He likes so called "B LANK noodle." 

It is good to save his pocket money.
Well, well, but the business world is clever.
Sweets which we buy at sweets shop are delicious but expensive. So convenience stores started to sell their original sweets at reasonable price and reasonable quality a few years ago. And it was called "sweets fighting". At that time, buying sweets at convenience store is a kind of B-grade, and not polite especially when we take them as a present. But now, they are really study to create new sweets, and some of them are rare. So such common sense got out of date.
And the same thing happens, now "b-grade ramen fighting"  has started. The price is reasonable, and according to him the taste is almost the same as his favorite ramen noodle. And they are often sold out, because they have got high popularity. (They are kind of fresh noodle, not instant)

The big difference between noodle shop's noodle and convenience store's noodle is the volume of chopped onion. Yuki added lots of chopped onion.
So he--- tried to chop a whole of onion --- but I asked him not to mess the kitchen. And I told how to use a gadget, which is used by me and used to by my daughters and Ah-chan. All of them are not good with chopping onions.

It is more than 20 years, and still works. It is not electronic.

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