Wednesday, April 24, 2019

lunch with friends

A big 10-da holiday is just around the corner, however we have no plans except visiting our mothers. Our elder daughter is busy in preparing for her exhibitions. So we are going to see her in Tokyo while the visiting our mothers. Our younger daughter's family is Thailand, of course they don't visit Japan in this expensive holiday season.

In April, I had lunch outside with my friends twice.
The first one was after I did volunteer reading at the library.
A new café opened in the same building of the library.  And they offered lunch at a reasonable price.
This set and a cup of drink cost 500 yen.
It is a café "in the same building of the library". So probably they accept customers who read books which are borrowed at the library, and relax there for a couple of hours.
Actually we spent there longer than doing volunteer reading at the library.
Volunteer reading was finished before 12. When I came back home, it was past 3 o'clock.


 The next one was with another friend.
 Since she started to take home healthcare, one year has passed.
 I try to meet her once in a month, but sometimes she is not so good.
This month we could meet at a restaurant. She doesn't eat meat, so we usually meet each other at a Japanese restaurant.
She ordered Sushi, and I ordered simmered Tuna with soy sauce and sugar.

Cher-ry trees with leaves,   wear-ing a nat-u-ral wig    lunch-eon time
You might guess what illness she is suffering 

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