Friday, April 05, 2019

Though it is a matter of no importance, I'm thinking

As the title shows, it is a matter of no importance, however---
These days when I'm asked to go out  somewhere from someone, I'm willing to accept the offer, ---even though it might be expensive.
These days, when I go out somewhere, I try to ask someone who might be busy, to go with me , --- even though it might be easier that I go there by myself.
And --- when I go somewhere with someone, it is fun with her or them.
And --- when I come home, I sometimes get a little depressed.
The reason is , though you might laugh,
---- She has lots of friends. I know that I don't need to compare my situation to hers.
---- She seems to be richer than me. I know the way to use our money is different.
I know, I am one of her friends, and she is or they are one or ones of my friends. Sometimes I think I want to be special for them.
I know, if I was  really worried about my financial situation, I would work more.
Getting along with some sometimes makes me tired, and being along also sometimes makes me lonely.
Well, well, how selfish I am!  When I grouch,( or complain) someone says it shows you get old.
I know it is easy to say everything comes from getting older.
Anyway the new era name "reiwa" was announced this week.
It was taken from the eighth-century work Man’yoshu, the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry, can be read as “fortunate” or “auspicious”, and “peace” or “harmony
On the day I baked "queens of pudding".

How bright, full of the smell of baked sweets, coming Rei-wa 

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