Friday, April 26, 2019

Outing and meeting in April with Haiku

The ten-day holiday comes tomorrow, and May comes.
Let me look back to outing and meeting in April with Haiku,

I had a good time in Karaku café with holding a small concert.
This month, it was a cherry blossom season, so that  there were a lot of audience.

Cher-ry blos-soms  Con-tin-u-ous per-form-ing   An-oth-er year

At a historical shrine, Yuki and I listened to an interesting, academic and funny  comic storytelling.

Cher-ry blos-soms Full of a-ca-dem-ic laugh  Com-ic sto-ry

This month I could held a laughter yoga meeting. This time three ladies came.
Though everyone had some troubles, we laughed off them.

Pe-o-ny;  Through just laughing  Share vig-or

I got a free ticket to an exhibition. So I dropped by an art museum.

Though it is not the work of this exhibition, I found this site.
It was cool and I was really surprised to know such "occupation", which is a kind of media artist.

Cher-ry trees with leaves  Think of no-thing to say  Just  spec-tac-u-lar

I hope if I hear your better phrases.

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