Thursday, September 17, 2020

minimize the garden

Opening the news paper, I always see some articles about "end of life planning".

It is said that most of readers of the news paper are the elder, so such articles are necessary.

It is OK.

Discarding things or minimizing houses is a kind of the end of life planning.

The other day, I saw an article. 

NIWA-SHIMAI, it means try to minimize your garden.

well, well, ====.

Actually, since Yuki retired, he has trimmed trees. 

Before doing it, I asked a gardener to lower the trees. So now he can do it.

I remembered, my neighbor likes gardening, but when he got 60, he asked me to introduce the gardener, and he had all trees lower by the gardener.

One of my friend who is the same age as I, loves her garden. She always held an open garden. Buy this year, she didn't. One reason is of course the corona virus.

But it seemed to bring her a thought. She has started minimizing her garden.

Anyway I weeded the garden. Today it was a garbage collection day. So I took a big bag of weeds out to the garbage collection place.

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