Thursday, September 10, 2020

What do you eat for breakfast?

The other day when I went to the library, I borrowed this book. It was short essays written by famous writers some of whom are still alive, or around, the others already passed away.
Anyway every writers or authors have their own philosophy, even though it was just a cup of tea. 
It was really interesting.


When Yuki and I were young and didn't have kids, our breakfast used to be only one cup of coffee. When we had kids, we changed our mind and started having breakfast with our family.

This custom still keeps, even though there are two of us in this house. I cook pre-cooked dishes once a week, and they are mainly served for our brekafast.

This week I boiled macaroni, and dipped the rest into olive oil.

So I baked them for our breakfast.

I constantly update my breakfast photo on my instagram.

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