Friday, September 18, 2020

what makes me a little bit excited ? 0918

I didn't watch TV or movies not so often before the situation of "stay home".  And now I don't watch TV so often but I have started to watch some drams on net TV.

I was into Doctor Who. And in a week, the season6 is distributed, of course, with "subtitles". Yuki always watches sports program on another net TV.  Both of us has to pay the fee.

Though it is a coincidence, the books I borrowed at the library unconsciously were about the stories across time and space.

The gym has already restarted. But we cannot stay there more than 30 minutes. Usually after we did machine exercise, we did stretching or YOGA at the free space. But now we can only machine exercise. So I started kind of stretching for the senior on Youtube.
It is interesting. As I told you I organized a laughter yoga meeting at home. Of course now I don't hold it. And probably it is difficult to restart it, because the maing action of lauthter yoga is laughing in a big voice. But this exercise might be all right to do in my house with a few members.

I got lots of eggplants.
Until the mid August, eggplants didn't grow well. Suddenly they grew, and I got them from here and there.
I cooked in Indian style (curry), Chinese style, and --- I also try to make "baba ganoush".
The reships for eggplants are in the world. I'm very surprised.
The kinds of reships, all over the world; eggplants ニクもあるからね。これは少しね。

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