Monday, September 14, 2020

pre-cooked dishes and discarding 10 things 0913

 Sometimes I decided that I just have to discard 10 things, or I have to discard 10 things by the head and ears. (I don't know how to describe my feeling).

Anyway "we" discard 3 worn-out T-shirts finally. They were our favorites. But the cloth got very old, so sometimes they stink a little by sweat, even though they are washed and sterilized.  "They are old" means, it is difficult to find the similar ones. However we gave up.

Then I discarded old towels. Discard? No, recycled. I cut then into half and changed into dust towels. 

Then I discarded old aroma oil and the bottle.  It came to 5 things.

Then I discarded old Tupperware and cosmetic samples for summer. ( I was going to use them but didn't)

And I also made pre-cooked dishes. Pickled cucumbers, marinated onion slices, simmered root vegetables, and dried the garlic cloves.。

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