Thursday, October 22, 2020

clothe for table and kitchen sink

Do you use wet cloth to wipe the table,  clean the kitchen sink, or kitchen stove?
Well, I use them. After I use one, I usually wash it by soap, and soak it into a water with bleach, and hand it through the window to dry it.
However, it is easily to get brown? darken? or get stains.
So I often change them into new ones.

And the old one is cut into pieces, to use as  scrubbing cloth for kitchen stoves. 
But I often use the regular clothe even for scrubbing, so it is easily to get darken with stains.

Before the corona pandemic, we used to use kitchen paper towel more. However during the first corona pandemic, kinds of paper like toilet paper, tissue, kitchen paper was almost run out. So I have started to use clothe more. However it is a little bit difficult or troublesome to keep the clothe white.

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