Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Pre-cooked dishes and discarding 10 things 1005

I cooked Japanese type pickled cucumbers again, and I also mashed the potatoes and repackaged into smaller sizes and froze them.
Well, I also pickled radish and sliced onions into vinegar and honey.


Well, I also cooked Japanese pare tart in an easy way.

The base of tart was made by crashed cracker and butter. I didn't have almond powder, so instead of it I used cornstarch.

I baked it.

Next thing was discarding 10 things.

I checked on the top of fridge.  I discarded some packs of blue ice.
And I also discarded plastic glasses. To tell the truth, I moved them into a temporary box before discarding them directly.
I also cleaned the outside of the fridge.

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