Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Pre-cooked dishes 1214


Most of them are for our morning soup.

They are half-boiled Daikon, mushed boiled carrots, purred  boiled Chinese cabbage and yam with a blender.

It was the first time to make "purred boiled Chinese cabbage and yam with a blender". As soon as I cooked, it was stored in the freezer, and last night I put it back into a slow cooker. And this morning we ate. It was very tasty.

I boiled and stewed Daikon, Chinese cabbage in pots, on the other hand I cooked carrots with a rice cooker.

I have started to use a new notebook for my cooking diary.
I write down what I made as pre-cooked dishes and sometimes the recipes.
When I look over it, I remember what I cook in the same season in previous years, what made me interested in.

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