Tuesday, December 22, 2020

pre-cooked dishes and discarding 10 things 1221

 This time, I didn't cook pre-cooked dishes so much. Because now I'm "into" making soup with my slow-cooker, so I put some ingredients for our next day breakfast into my slow-cooker every night. I don't know how long I continue this work.

But some vegetables are needed to pre-cooked.
So I boiled Japanese radish, and made mashed pumpkin.

Additionally I dried the peel and leaves of the Japanese radish.
The dried ones are very useful for any soup.

I discarded more than 10 things such as books, some gadgets, and cloth.
I'm going to take the books into a used bookstore.

Well, I also cleaned the windows of the kitchen again.
And I organize a drawer where I store tea bags and so on.

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