Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Pre-cooked dishes and discarding 10 things 1207


Anyway I constantly make pre-cooked dishes, for maily our breakfast. And this time the main way to use these things is "soup". It is actually winter, so "I" need hot soup. Additionally, Yuki usually wants Miso-soup when rice is served. I don't need. So when I don't make Miso-soup, he has instant miso-soup.

This is today's breakfast. I put carrot paste on yogurt. And I also made hotsand with fresh apples. Today's soup is cabbage and sausage.

I also got Kiku-potato, or Kiku-yam. I sliced them, and dry them. They are easy to use as quick ingredients for miso-soup.

We also discarded each of a pair of shoes. Well, in his case, after that he bought a new one. I also discarded some posters or books of recipe.  And anyway "we" organized the wall in the kitchen which is used as our schedule board.

Then "I" also organize the garden, finally I pulled out all SYUKAIDOU.  While doing the work, I always had backache.
I'm not getting used being in a half-crouching position. When I do something in the garden, I always admire people who starts gardening or farming as their fun of retirement life. For me -- it is difficult. not only for me, for Yuki. 

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