Wednesday, September 23, 2020

the four-day weekend

On our calendar, we had the four-day weekend. However for two of us, all days were usual days. Well, well, not usual days, the gym was closed, and the tennis court was also closed because of the holiday. So we engaged in doing house chores??? probably.

I cooked pre-cooked dishes. I got lots of potatoes from two people at once. Of course they can stock. Anyway I made some mushed potatoes, and put them into the freezer.
And we cleaned all the rooms "quickly".
These are usual our weekend house chores.

Then we organized our clothes. Of course we discarded more than 10 things each other.

Then we washed our cars by themselves. To tell the truth, I asked Yuki to wash my car, but he completely denied saying "your car must be happy to be washed by the owner". 


Marta Mae said...

Oh my, your post reminded me that I need to organize my closet! Keep postponing it and postponing... By now, I will be able to discard probably 50 things instead of 10! :)

Mieko said...

If I can discard 50 clothes at once, next day I am willingly to go shopping for my new clothes--at least 10. Postponing it, and discarding lots at once might be fun.