Tuesday, December 15, 2020

What made me (or us) excited a little 1214

 It is of course winter, and than I expect I feel my body cold. So I decided to use a slow cooker again. I used to use one for making night snacks for my daughters or light dinner for Yuki (at that time, he usually came back around 11 PM). But it was about more than 15 years ago. (Well, until two years ago Yuki came back lately though.) So I've already discarded it.

And this time I bought one at a used shop.

Now it is a season of Japanese leek. These days we found field of Japanese leeks where it took 20 minute drive. We planed to go there. Coincedently the morning bunches of Japanese leek were arrived. My friend sent me as a year-end-gift.

(we have a costume custome to send gifts twice a year to show the gratitude for favors in winter and in summer)

So I've started to make soup for our breakfast. I use a timer, so put ingredients into it the night before.

Using Japanese leek is very good.

Usually what I want and what he wants are different. So when we go out together, though we have some stores, at each place either one tends to be bored.
But this time we decided to buy new sheets and blankets. We visited some stores to compare the price and quality. 
And we bought new ones. Visiting stores were fun, and of course new sheets made us so comfortable.

Unusually Yuki asked me to play new music cores by piano. He bought new music score books for piano. Not I, he. It was unusual thing. And for me, trying to playing such new scores was fun. (Well, the music score books were expensive than we expected.)


AikenJan said...

Custom....not costume.
Custom is a tradition. Costume is usually clothing...Halloween costume.

Are Japanese leeks like ours?...oversized scallions green onions)
We often use leeks with potatoes, especially in potato soup. An excellent slow cooker recipe, by the way. Jan

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comments, Jan. Probably scallions green onions are almost same as japanese leek called NAGANEGI, I think so. Well, which part do you use? all parts?, green parts? or white parts? Here in Japan though depends on the areas, I mainly use white parts. And sometimes I put away most of green parts. When I use green parts, I use much thinner ones, which are different kind, called WAKEGI.

Helen said...

I'm just catching up on your blog. Nice slow cooker! I like to use mine to make soups and stews, but you can also cook sweet potatoes in them.

I got my Japanese one at a second hand shop too. It was new, it hadn't been used. Mine looks older than yours.

Enjoy using it! I like it in summer too because it doesn't heat up the kitchen.

Mieko said...

Hello Helen, I bought this at Merukari. And you mean “yakiimo”, don’t you? I’ll try it, thank you.

Helen said...

Yes, I mean yaki-imo. I only made them once in my slow cooker but I liked them. There are a few recipes on the internet, I'm sure you'll find the method.

I've never used Merukari, but my friend does. I went to a shop called Hard Off up here.

Happy Slow Cooking!!